If your business has a website that could use a boost in traffic, you might ask yourself if you are updating your content frequently enough. One of the best ways to add fresh content to your website is by adding a blog. You might wonder if you will have enough to say to keep a regular blog going. It can seem overwhelming to figure out what to write about time after time. But there are some tried and tested ways for you to come up with blog topics. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Keep a File of Inspiration
Since you never know when inspiration will strike, be ready for it by keeping a file. You can use a physical file folder or a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. Just keep it somewhere that it is easily accessible. Whenever you think of something that could make an interesting blog post, this is where you want to park it. Even if you aren’t feeling particularly creative, it will be good to have the idea there when you are feeling it.
Borrow From Others
Make sure you are reading other blogs in your genre—and then feel free to borrow their ideas for your own blog. Of course, your blog should have unique content, but there is nothing wrong with stealing ideas from others. You can use a feed reader such as
Feedly to subscribe to the blogs you like the most, then check in every day to see what they’ve posted. Whenever you see a blog post you might like to tackle on your own, be sure to add it to your file of inspiration.
Ask Your Audience What They’d Like to Read
Also known as crowdsourcing, this means checking with your blog readers or your social media replies to find out what folks might be interested in seeing from you. This is a good idea not only for coming up with blog ideas but it is also a great way to engage with your followers. It’s also a great way for ideas to come to you rather than having to go and hunt them down.
Write About Current Trends
Find out what’s trending online in your industry or genre—then write about it. This not only provides fresh content for your website, but chances are, it is something that is being searched—and this can give your website a real boost.
Tell Your Story
Everybody has a story, and you should share yours. Talk about what has changed since you started the business or started the blog. What have you learned in that time? What is different today from when you started? If you could offer your past self some advice, what would that look like?
Expand on Existing Content
Figure out which have been your most popular blog posts, then expand on or update those. Ask yourself how you could add value. Some suggestions include adding statistics, videos, or images. Provide new information that makes the blog more current.
Do you need help taking your blog to the next level? The experts at Omnia Marketing are available to help.
Contact Omnia Marketing today to get started.